Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oregon visit.

Took the boys on a plane from Vegas to Portland, without Jared to help. I was really nervous about the flight, they both did great. I am proud of all of us. We visited our friends the Henderson's, minus the husbands who were fishing in Utah. We both have two boys, Owen and Alec are the same age, then Caleb 19mo. and Miles 8mo. Caleb desperately wanted to do everything the big boys did and he did everything he could to keep up. We had a great time catching up and keeping the boys entertained with various outings around Eugene. The day we flew in was Owens’s actual birthday, Meagan had party decorations and cupcakes waiting for Owen, it was nice. The pumpkin patch was by far my favorite and we picked out a cute little pumpkin to bring home on the plane with us. Most of the trip the boys were easily entertained just hanging out playing with toys at the house. We loved the cooler weather, I thought we would freeze but it was a breath of fresh air. Back home Owen began cursing the sun. He said he wanted to shoot it out of the sky, told it to go away numerous times and said quit burning my eyes sun! We walked out of the store and both boys put their heads down and closed their eyes. Caleb said owe eyes, eyes. Oh and yesterday, the sun came out and ruined our rain, according to Owen. I guess the boys both loved the extra cloud cover of the Northwest!

1 comment:

Cakester said...

Looks like you guys had tons of fun. Are these the same photos you forwarded to me? Did Megan send you a disc? If she did will you email me some from that. The others are grainy. love you so much!!! Have a fun Halloween!!! xoxox Nana

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