Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Bless all those who have served, will serve and are serving our country as we speak so that we may be free to do pretty much whatever we want. I know many veterans and service men and women but the one I have thought about the most today is my grandfather who just pasted away. COL Joseph L. Price Jr was a fighter pilot in the Army Air Corps during WWII. During his 31 year, 7 months and one day career, he flew over 300 combat missions in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. I went to his funeral a few weeks ago and the Air Force honored him with a C-130 flyover.

The guy with in the top pic is my Dad who was also a fighter pilot in the Air force, he organized another fly-by of an AT-6 Advanced WWII Trainer which was the final aircraft my granddad flew to earn his wings in the Army Air Corps.

I have better pics but I can't get the scanned pictures to come up! So these will have to do for now.

We spent the better part of our weekend lounging at the pool and going to a couple different bar-b- q's we were invited to. Of course I forgot the camera but there will be plenty more pool days to come with this scorching Vegas heat! We also watched a few hours of war shows including band of brothers which Owen loved for some reason?!!

Hope you all had a great weekend!
God bless our troops!


Reno 411 said...

That is so neat. God bless our troops indeed.

Meagan said...

Amen to all that.

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