Thursday, August 19, 2010

Caleb's Mischief

What can I get into that I am not supposed to? That is the question Caleb asks himself whenever mom and or Owen is not looking! Trying to play with the mouse, opening doors to rooms he is not allowed in, closing his eyes so I cannot see him breaking into Owen's room, playing with Owen's train. Owen is getting better about sharing but both of them have a major problem with the word MINE!


Meagan said...

That's a tough stage! We had those same door handles in Vegas and Alec figured them out pretty early on too. Caleb and Owen will be great buddies as they grow up, even if right now they don't always get along!

Cakester said...

Cute little C-monkey!! He is so dang inquisitive. That's really a good thing though, means he wants to figure things out - smart!! Besides, how could you ever get upset with a little guy who has such kissable cheeks and sweet grin!! love you all!!!

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